Club News May 2014

Millworth Lane has now been handed over to the cricket club and Shinfield Rangers FC has moved training for all age groups to Shinfield Junior School.

The school and the football club have entered into an agreement for exclusive use of the facilities on an ongoing basis and we are training there initially on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, depending on the age group. We are also planning to expand our activities at the school and start a permanent Mini Kickers football session every weekend for those with young children. This is a great time of year for the younger age groups to start playing; the weather should be better and young children seem to excel when it is hot and sunny.

If you are interested in joining the club (boys and girls aged from 6 to 16), please check the website and contact the relevant team coach/manager and they can provide more details of the correct time and day each week. We are now recruiting for the summer season and for the new winter season start-up in September and for the most part, we anticipate having all squads complete and signed by the end of July. In the meantime, all age groups will be playing either in summer leagues or in tournaments across the home counties, so if you want to come along and play, just call us.

With the growth of the club now meaning that we will be operating on two adjacent sites in Shinfield, we will shortly be announcing the location of the third site that is under consideration, just a few minutes outside the Parish. The third site will allow us to expand the number of squads we have at each age group and further develop the club as part of the FA’s Charter Standard Community status.

At this time of year the official winter season ends and in next month’s news I will be reporting on some of the great results that our children have achieved this year. As I write this in very early May, we have teams contesting Cup Finals and playing for 1st or 2nd position in various Leagues.

It’s fair to say that this could be one of the best seasons the club has ever had and I’d like to thank the volunteer coaches, managers and admin assistants for the hard work and dedication they have shown throughout the year. I’d also like to thank all the mums, dads, siblings, etc., for being there for their children come rain (mostly) or shine. Your support for the club is invaluable and everyone on the management committee appreciates what you do.

Finally a reminder – the annual Presentation and Fun Day will be held at Millworth Lane on Sunday 22nd June – everyone is welcome (even if you don’t play for the Club, come along and have some fun).
James A. Roth
Chairman – Shinfield Rangers FC