UPDATE: Walking Football taster at Shinfield now on Nov 23rd 10-11am

You’ve seen it in the bank adverts, now its time to try it out and have some fun for real. Shinfield Rangers FC have teamed up with Berks and Bucks FA to trial a taster session of Walking Football at our Millworth Lane grounds on Sunday November 23rd at 10am.  Whilst the general aim of Walking Football is to provide exercise for the over 50’s we see it as potentially helpful for others too, so all adults are welcome to join in.

Walking Football

About the session

Walking Football taster session
Preferably over 50’s, but all adults who might not be able to run are welcome to give it a try!
Please encourage your elder family members to come along. There are huge health benefits!


What to wear

Football boots are preferable but trainers or shoes will be OK.
Please wear clothing that does not impede movement.

Where and when

Sunday, November 23rd at 10-11am

Millworth Lane Recreation Grounds, Shinfield RG2 9EN

 What its like

The game is played on a small pitch, the number on each team will depend on how many show up on the day.

This is a link to a session run by Berks and Bucks FA for older people, which should give you an idea of what is involved. Note that we are open to younger people too!


Can I just turn up on the day?

Yes! But we cannot contact you if the session is postponed, say because of the weather. Its better to tell us you plan to come along.

Who to contact

Brian at walking@localhost